View manufactures glass that can be dimmed
automatically in bright sunlight or controlled directly by the user. When
combined with dimmable lighting and tight zone control of the temperature you
can create an ideal environment and still see out the windows. Dimming the
glass also keeps direct sunlight out thereby reducing the AC load, a big factor
for modern buildings. On energy savings alone this product pays its way. But
the real benefit isn’t about money but about the human experience. We have a
deep primal need
Will has been saber
fencing for about 10 years. By most measures he is a hobbyist in that he hasn’t
been at it his whole life, unlike some of the fencers that he conquered at this
year’s Veteran World Championship. So what kind of tournament is this? Well,
the last US person to win the tournament was Ed Korfanty in 2006. Ed
is the current saber coach for the Women’s US Olympic Team. Remember the
US flag bearer in London, Mariel Zagunis? She was the one with the big smile,
the woman who won gold in Athens and Bejing? She’s one of Ed’s
By Jamis MacNiven
Have a look at the
‘debt clock’ http://www.usadebtclock.com/ and you
will see the dial spinning at over 2 million dollars a minute. Real dramatic.
This made some folks
jumpy during this most recent election season and it took up at least 50% of
the oxygen. And still does. Let’s pick this issue apart. OK, first my
credentials. None, but hey, my ideas are at least as good as the collective
opinions about this issue because, like noise canceling headphones, there is so
much disagreement that there seems to be no single set of facts. Just
relentless buzzing. (See Alan Greenspan the ex-head of the Fed who told
Congress in 2011 that after 40 years he didn’t know what he was talking about)
Well, I want to take your worry about the debt away and replace it with a
bigger worry.
First, the debt is
often compared to the GDP as if that comparison had any relevance. (Look!
50 SUVs are the weight of a grey whale!) As we shall see the debt can be
compared to something but it isn’t the GDP.
A government’s
purpose in a free society is to make a reasonably safe environment for us to
live our lives. We come together and forge an agreement to operate with a set
of rules. Then we spend the rest of the country’s existence fine tuning the
Some folks in this
country are always trying to figure out what the Founding Fathers had in mind.
Ha-larious. Why do we care what these folks from another age might feel today?
(I think they are so beloved by some people because they carried guns) Some say
we have a pact with them. We don’t. We have a pact with the Constitution. Big
One job of our
government is to raise money and manage some of the social systems like
providing for the common defense, running a post office, conducting a census
and so on. The Constitution was immediately seen as incomplete so we amended it
before the ink dried and have been doing so ever since (the Supreme Court rulings
have the force of the Constitution). Nearly all of us agree that the government
should manage a lot of activities. One thing it is charged to run is a treasury
system and with that comes the ability to create debt and print money. Cool,
free money!
So the national debt is 16ish trillion (and lots
of state and local debt too). (In pennies the weight of 17.5 million grey
whales, big ones.) People are heard to say you can’t live beyond your means at
home so how can a government? If you go overdrawn you will go bankrupt they
say. True, but the federal government isn’t a household on steroids. It can
print money, go to war, make some pretty amazing rules - all things you can’t
do at home. If we inflate the money supply we can reduce the debt. I’m not suggesting
doing this because, as I contend, the size of the debt doesn’t matter anyway.
Some say we can
reduce the debt by creating millions of new high paying jobs. If we buy more
stuff we will grow our way to prosperity. Even Robert Reich an avowed lefty at
UC Berkeley says this. But from where I sit it seems as demand grows the things are shipped in from shored long
ago. What about the balance of payment to other countries and a weaker dollar?
Well we are actually expecting oil independence and even export soon. Really,
that’s what they say.
Why do I say worrying
about the debt shouldn’t keep you up? Because the debt is merely a bookkeeping
tool whereby one party borrows money and another party is paid interest. Why
borrow money? Ideally one borrows to have access to the utility value of
something like moving into a house decades before it’s paid for. It is also
used to fill in gaps in the ratio between revenue and the actual cost of
things. Last year the insane argument about not raising the debt ceiling might
have made sense except it was used to pay outstanding bills, not for new work.
There was also a lot
of noise about China holding our debt like a parent who might withhold your
allowance. Well, they already hold the debt and it can’t be ‘called.’ (They
actually only have 8%.) The mechanism is - we send them money and after the
kleptocrats skim off about half they build things like factories to make more
stuff. We then buy that stuff and send them yet more money. (Talk about a tool
to promote world peace!) 4 trillion of the debt is owed to the Federal Reserve
and 2 or so to Social Security. Now I’m no economist but doesn’t that mean we
owe much of it to ourselves?
It looks like we will
continue to borrow money to pay ourselves the interest on borrowed money but
eventually even a hall of mirrors fades away and this magic well will run dry.
The result will be to write the debt off as a bad loan and our credit will go
down the drain. What will happen then? We will be forced to live within our
means which is what everyone has been clamoring for. People say, oh, we will
become Greece. Austerity! Yes indeed. Or maybe we call it sustainability.
“We can’t have a
dystopian future - we need our comforts!” yell the consumers. Well the future
is here. This $4,000 chair promises to make you happy. All 300 pounds of it
which is what the average American will soon weigh. Sure looks like the chair
from Wall-e.
So if I say the size
of the debt is of little relevance and a comparison to the GDP isn’t effective,
what is? We now actually have a use for the whales and SUVs. We have to compare
the debt to all the stuff.
The functional debt
on a car, a freeway, a whale or anything that exists is zero according to the
universal law we call reality. This means that if it exists and is useful the
universe doesn’t care if there is paper debt against it because it is actually
here. If there happens to be a paper debt applied to it that is a
characteristic like a tree casting a shadow, but it is of no consequence to the
thing itself.
The ‘stuff’ exists so the universe says it is
completely paid for. I’m talking about both simple things like an apple and
complex systems like weather. Let’s start adding up the utility value of
everything and for simplicity sake let’s use just planet Earth and divide by
the USA.
We have to add all
the cropland, sure, and all hose Beanie Babies but we also have the
infrastructure like the dams and waterways, uniform weights and measures, and
less intangible things like the protocol of driving on the right.
So what’s it all
worth? Digging around on Wikipedia gives a value of the Earth (for insurance
purposes no doubt) of 42 quintillion (18 zeros) US dollars. So if the America
controls, say 25% of the world’s value then our share is about $10 quintillion.
This makes the national debt about a millionth of the value of all our stuff in
just the US and that isn’t counting the sunshine. At this point most of the
readers will assume I’m kidding but I am quite serious. I know the 18 zeros is
a made-up number isn’t the real value actually far higher. In fact, priceless.
Clearly if we raise
the national debt it will have little impact on the ratio. What will wreck the
formula is to devalue the stuff. We all know by heart the list of how this
might happen. Asteroid, check. GMOs, check. Nuclear war, check. Pestilence,
check. These things might happen but probably not. What about global warming?
Were you watching NYC and New Jersey becoming a surfer’s paradise? Oh, it’s
happening. The big storm cost tens of billions sure, but make New York City
uninhabitable below the third floor and watch the value of these places decline
rather more.
By this point some
are agreeing. Others are disagreeing and thinking I’m taking a leftist
position. Well if reality is tilted to the left I guess that’s true but really
it need not be partisan issue. Am I so pure and above the fray? No, not
at all. I’m gobbling resources with everyone else even while trying to cut
So maybe I’m all wet
but this is a country where (according to the National Science Foundation 2011)
32% of Americans believe in magic numbers so I hope to appeal at least to these
I guess this all sounds pretty
nuts. Maybe I’ll get one of these chairs after all.
The walls at Buck’s are covered
with art and technology from an earlier age of adventure and discovery, but
much of the real action in science and technology has now moved to an atomic
and molecular level. My friend Aymeric Sallin leads a Venture fund called
NanoDimension (anchored in Zurich and Menlo Park) and deals with all sorts of
nano-sized technologies. This technology involves tiny elements harnessed to
big projects. Aymeric chose this industry to focus on because, as a physicist,
he gets it. He supports companies as they move atomic processes from lab
to fab.
Here in the Valley many new firms focus on
software; NanoDimension backs businesses that make stuff out of atoms. Their
latest project, View Inc., involves the slight movement of an ion on the
molecular level which changes glass from clear to variable tint. This
infinitesimal realignment now is poised to disrupt an entire industry.
We all lament the disappearance of
American manufacturing jobs to other countries. By backing View Inc. a
consortium of VCs, including NanoDimension, has created hundreds of jobs in the
USA and will soon add hundreds more. I was privileged to have an inside look at
this remarkable technology while it was still in stealth mode.
folks at View have built a plant in Mississippi to manufacture dynamic window
glass. Office buildings, hospitals, restaurants, homes and countless other
buildings are wrapped in glass. Take a multi-story office, the kind you see
throughout Silicon Valley and you will (I will never see them the same way
again) notice that nearly all the blinds are half or all the way down. Funny,
you finally work your way up to the edge of the building, a corner office even,
and then immediately pull the blinds down so you can see your screen. And down they will stay.

to scan the horizon. It has
been well documented that a view makes people happier, more productive and in
hospitals, speeds patient recovery.
But hasn’t this glass been around for a long
time? Yes, 40 years and its inventor is an emeritus advisor to View. But
dimmable glass has never been available on a commercial scale. To learn how to
manufacture this at scale
To learn how to manufacture this at scale Dr. Rao Mulpuri and
his team worked with Seagate and repurposed a disc manufacturing facility in
Milpitas – it was an efficient and cost effective move and represents a
re-purposing so indicative of Silicon Valley. In the glass industry, the
acquisition of this plant is on a par with Elon’s score of the Ford plant for
Tesla in Fremont.
View team managed to recycle it for their R and D facility where they perfected
the technology before building their fabrication plant in Mississippi.
Mississippi was so excited to see them show up that they all went gigging for
gators and attracted them with huge incentives and support. From this plant
they will supply not only North America but Europe as well, where the energy
conservation requirements for buildings are far more stringent.
The technology required to manufacture a
double pane, dimmable window that can be up to 5x10 feet is daunting. But
making it is just part of the equation. With this sort of product you can’t
trickle into the market for testing. It’s more like building a bridge. In other
words you can’t even sell your first window until you put the entire
organization together with a capacity to produce huge quantities of the
Recently the first twelve windows were
installed in the lounge of the W Hotel in San Francisco and in a very real
sense each window cost tens of millions.
View and its VC backers have spent years
helping move this disruptive new product into an untested market in dicey
times. These people have guts. Silicon Valley style all the way. Viewglass.com
Who’s the best
saber swordsman in the world between 50 and 59 years of age? My cousin - Will
Milne! That’s right, he just returned from Austria where he won the gold medal
in the Veteran World Championship.
Modern fencing, also
known as Olympic fencing (to distinguish it from historical fencing) is
divided into three sports depending on the weapon; foil, epee or
saber. Foil and epee are all about poking the other guy with the tip of
the blade in order to score a point. The tip of the blade has a
button switch on it so when
your opponent gets “stabbed” you score a point. No poke, no point. Saber
is different. With saber you can hit with any part of the blade and a
light comes on. Saber is all about slashing, cutting, lunging
and attacking. Like a free-for-all with car antennas. All this takes place
in a couple of seconds.

This is Will’s
second year on the US Veteran National Team. Two years ago the tournament was
held in Croatia and he came back a disappointing tenth place, a real letdown.
He says he lost to a screaming Italian with an entourage who were cheering and
waving towels and generally being Italian. His excuse for losing? “I panicked”.
Not this year when he brought back a gold medal so large it came home in the
hold. Will says one critical difference this year was that US Fencing
Association sent along a coach for the athletes, none other than Vladimir
Nazlymov. What, you don’t know the name? Well, he fenced for the Soviets in
four Olympics, winning six medals (three of them gold) won ten world
championships, was coach of the Soviet Olympic team and then immigrated tothe
States where he became coach of the US team. Oh, him. Says Will, “I wouldn’t
have won without Vladimir. It’s a lot easier to stay calm with a coach like him
on your side.”
When I asked Will how it
felt to win, he amazed me with his perspective. He said that when you win you
don’t have to tell a story about how you nearly won, how the guy who beat you
was a ten times winner of this or that, or how, if not for a loose floorboard
or any of a million other reasons, you would have won. When I asked him how it
went in Austria he said simply – “I won.” Winning needs no clarification. He
said the best part was standing on the top of the podium with the silver and
bronze medalists below him as they played The Star Spangled Banner. Nothing
like rubbing it in.
Not that all
this has been easy. A few years ago Will took a blade through the hand, and not
a slight cut either. It cut his extensor tendon. He lost some function in
his sword hand, yet even with this he is the current world champion. How is
such a thing possible? Will says much of it is about controlling stress. If you
can be the one swordsman in the room who isn’t panicked and spinning out
mentally, you’ve got the edge.
This might seem like
a mildly interesting recreational pastime except that Will brings this same
sense of calm to his profession. Will is a homebuilder - Milne Design and
Build. This is a field fraught with tension. Homes in our area are custom made
productions not unlike motion pictures. There are good ones and less good ones
but nearly always they are really stressful to produce. I know this because I
used to be in the business, homes, not movies. Back in 1979 when Will was a
teenager he worked for me as an apprentice on Steve Jobs’ house. This is pretty
funny as it was only my second job ever and I was a pretty green builder. I was
certainly in no position to teach much, having just arrived on the scene
Will is far better at
his craft than I ever was. He knows what he’s doing, sure, but the real reason
his projects run so smoothly is that he’s always calm. I was on one of his job
sites in Woodside a few years ago on the last day of construction and even though
there were dozens of people everywhere, and the client too, he took it all in
stride. Will specializes in fine residences in Atherton, Menlo Park and
Woodside. One of his projects is under construction two doors north of Buck’s
on Canada Rd.
I asked him about
similarities between fencing and building and he said that in most
respects they’re very different. Building is collaborative and takes
lots of time and patience with input from numerous sources.
Fencing is fast, instinctive and individual. Primal. Hit or be hit. And
the best way to hit rather than get hit? Don’t panic. I do see a lot
of parallels though. On his jobs nobody panics.
Next year Will is
going back to Europe and the rumor is the tournament
is somewhere in Bulgaria on the Black Sea. He’ll be defending his title
against the Russians and Bulgarians, the French and
the Germans, and yes, the screaming Italians. Will he slash and cut
his way to the top a second time? We shall see.